JustinDupree's Journal

JustinDupree's Journal


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7 entries this month

05:11 Aug 19 2016
Times Read: 291

Hint taken. I won't text you anymore.




04:07 Aug 19 2016
Times Read: 296

I really didn't want to go to work today. Like I literally wish you had X Number of personal "I don't want to have to give a fuck" days that you could just use whenever you wanted and still get paid. Can't we start a universal "Don't give a fuck" vacation or something? Like ugh. On the plus side it was an easy day so in hindsight I would have regretted spending a "Don't give a fuck day" on a day like today since there were 3 of us on a slow day instead of the usual two on a busy day so there's that.

I'm restless. Go figure.

On a side note why do people think it's funny to press the button for customer assistance and then leave right after as a joke? I wasted like 15 mins today chasing that fucking button only to have no one be there. I know "That's retail for you" and maybe it does come with the territory but what the actual fuck. That doesn't make it funny or cool. That makes you lame. Meh.

I was grumpy today though so that could have been why the button annoyed me so much. A coworker told me I needed to get laid cause I was uptight today. He's not wrong but come on you don't need to say it like that. I was like "Bruh..." and just walked away. *shrugs*

Also I'm in charge again on Saturday. I think if my manager ever leaves the department I'm just going to take her spot. Fuck it. I can use the extra monies and who doesn't like moving up? I kinda hope she doesn't leave for a long time though cause she lets me do pretty much whatever the fuck I want as long as it's productive and she takes all the heat if anyone says anything about it. So there's that. I'm not saying I cut corners cause I don't but I'm saying if I think there's a better more efficient way of getting something done I'll use my way and find out later if I was right. She lets me do that no questions asked more often than not.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's my day. I'm off tomorrow so that'ts good. I haven't been off on a Friday in a while so I'm going to enjoy it. Might go rent No Mans Sky or continue my The Walking Dead marathon. Yolo.




03:29 Aug 18 2016
Times Read: 308

Work was interesting. I was in charge again today and oddly enough the day went pretty smoothly. No one fucked up anyway so theres that.

So I'm not sure how to say this without sounding like a badass but I have a Bat Signal XD. They finally got rid of the Batman Vs Superman display at work and I got the Bat Signal. It's not the Christian Bale Bat Signal but it's still pretty cool not going to lie.

And since I seem to piss off everyone I care about no one is talking to me. It kinda sucks but meh. I bought season 1-4 of The Walking Dead so time for a Marathon until I fall asleep or I get ready for work tomorrow. I need a distraction.




04:04 Aug 17 2016
Times Read: 327

Had two bouts of bad news today. A friend of my dads passed away today. He had a heart attack. He lived two houses over from us so it's going to be weird not seeing his car there or seeing him getting into it and waving. He wasn't really my friend but my dad thought a lot of him and honestly if my dad thought a lot of you then you really couldn't be all that bad.

The other part was my sisters fiancee's brother found out he has lung cancer. Only smoked one cigarette one time when he was a teenager and didn't like it so he never picked it up again. They don't know how advanced it is or anything or how soon they caught it so I don't know much but still.

It sucks when something happens to people and you aren't sure how to react. I don't know how to approach people. "I'm sorry for your loss" is so cliche. Everyone says it and while it's true I am sorry for it, I feel like it's a given so it shouldn't be said yet what do you say to someone who's lost someone they love? I over think things.



05:16 Aug 17 2016

Sometimes there is nothing you can say to those people. The only thing you can do is be there for them when they need you whether it be to talk, to listen, or to just keep them company. Sometimes being in the presence of another person can help, no communication needed. I hate to hear of anyone getting lung cancer because I know what it's like to lose someone special to it.

06:40 Aug 17 2016

Sometimes all you need to do is pass out hugs.


03:00 Aug 14 2016
Times Read: 359

Got my finger smashed in the desk drawer at work today. That totally sucked. On the plus side I bought some Famous Amos cookies and so today sucked less because of them lol.




04:06 Aug 12 2016
Times Read: 373

Today is my one year anniversary at my job. Go me.




05:59 Aug 11 2016
Times Read: 398

Today was a really good day for 95% of the day. I went to sleep on time, woke up early, had a little more money to spend than I usually do, bought some things I wanted but probably didn't need, ate pizza and hung out with some family friends, and then went to see Suicide Squad, which wasn't as bad as everyone had been telling me. I was laughing for the first time in a while and I was actually enjoying my day off for the first time in a long time. I've been working a lot of overtime (had 17 hours just this pay period) which is more than I've previously worked so I was pretty worn out and ready for a refresh day. A new day. A new beginning. I counted on today. I needed it.

It's funny how one experience can change the course of the entire day. How one interaction can bring you down after you've been flying so well all day. I desperately needed a good day. I craved it. I would have given all of my extra money for a single 24 hours of goodness. I probably should have given all my extra money for that 24 hours.

It's starting to make me wonder if I even deserve to have a good day. I said earlier I did but maybe I don't. I mean I've done some things I regret and maybe Karma is getting me back by not allowing me to have good days. Maybe it's destiny. I mean every single time the day starts out positive something happens either at home or at work or just in general that causes me to rethink the good part of the day. Maybe I'm cursed.

I didn't make any choices today. I really didn't. I didn't have the chance to. I wanted today to be good. I wanted today to be a fresh experience. I wanted today to be so much more than it was. I was so excited about it. I was so stoked. I really was and now I'm not and that's sad. I'm sad. It shouldn't be that way.

I'm not a hero. I'm not anyones savior. I can't protect you from yourself. I can't protect you from bad days. I can't even protect myself from bad days. I want to. I wish I could. I can't though. I don't want to be the bad guy. I don't. I wish I wasn't always the bad guy. Then again...

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.



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